Parent-Teacher Association (PTA)

The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is an organisation of parents and staff of the school. Its role is to encourage closer links between home and school by fostering better relationships between parents and the school. Parents, Guardians and Teachers are automatically members of the PTA.

The PTA creates a partnership which helps the school listen to and deal with parents’ concerns; and for parents to learn more about the school and how to improve their children’s education. While the PTA does not necessarily represent the views of all parents, it can be an excellent forum for communication and a basis for partnership between parents and the school. It serves as a useful social function and also helps in fundraising work.

The Association usually meets once a term with other members to discuss issues pertaining to the welfare of students and the relationship between parents and staff.

The PTA also undertakes condolence and felicitation visits, and also aids members financially and morally in times of disasters like fire-outbreaks, accidents.