The school is situated in the residential area of PTT Voanvas Synapostel, with modern education facilities which includes: A well equipped Library, a well networked ICT lab, equipped Sick Bay, Laboratories and an assembly hall.
All are spacious, air conditioned (in nursery classroom), well furnished and equipped with modern educational materials. The school has a large playground outside the school compound where government provide for all schools.
The school is staffed with qualified teachers and in order to foster a calm and friendly environment, there is strict limit to the number of students in each class thus providing the teachers' attention necessary to encourage and develop the students.
The House system : Enfant Jesus Inernational Schools, Cotonou has two houses or teams, which provide a focus for teamwork. On the entry of the school the children from each family become a member of one or other house. During the course of activities, their class work or behavior will provide the students with the opportunity to contribute towards success of their particular house team by gaining merits. And at the end of the week the students with the most merit points in each house will be given a merit badge in recognition of their efforts.
The curriculum: The curriculum is broad-based with a balance between academic and aesthetic subjects to give opportunity for the development of attitudes, concepts, skills and knowledge.
Enfant Jesus International Schools follows Montessori principles which encourages children to explore and develop skill through play. The natural instinct of every child is to play and by guiding the child and providing an environment that is conducive to exploration, we aim to nurture a child's naturally inquisitive mind and foster a desire for learning and discovery. The focus at the stage is on numbers, letters, colours, and shape recognition, interaction with their peers and the discovery and manipulation of their environment through play. However computing, French, Music, swimming, tennis, dance, and games are also included.
Perental involvement: This is essential to good education and the Enfant Jesus International School encourages and requests parental involvement at every stage of their child's education. Teachers will regularly update parents on the progress of their children informally and formally and a parent evening is held each term so that a child's progress can be closly followed. We value prompt parental attention and welcome informal approaches on any matter concerning their child's education or well-being in school. This allows a quick response by the school to perceived problems so that they can b solved.
Homework: is an integral part of the education process, since it builds self-reliance, self-desipline and can be a time fie for quite reflection when new concepts are assimilated. Parents are requested to encourage their children by showing an interest in their homework and ensuring that it is completed on time.
Health requirements: Children should be immunized against Meningitis, Hepatitis, polio, typhoid, tuberculosis and Covid19. Copies of immunization certificates must be submitted to the school before the child is registered or admitted.
Excellence in Education